Getting Skinny (Hopefully) With Celeb Trainer Vanessa Kiely

Yesterday marked a monumental day for The Skinny Pig. I realized I wasn't so skinny after all. I'm still probably considered (relatively) thin in most parts of the world, but with all the glorious eating I've been doing lately, I managed to put on a few. Why am I admitting that to the world? Or the 5 people who read my blog? Because I'm working with an awesome personal trainer and I wanted to give her a shout out. Vanessa Kiely is her name, and she has worked with Tracy Anderson, Gwyneth Paltrow, and is currently working with Keri Glassman, the famed nutritionist. I had my first session yesterday and I already feel like I'm getting my ass kicked. No really. My ass hurts today. 

I refuse to give up my love of food (for example, tonight I'm going to El Porron for some tapas..will report back on that soon), but I'm going to see what happens. I should probably cook more and post some recipes. This should be interesting. Right now I'm eating some jalapeno almonds for my (healthy) afternoon snack. Should they be RAW almonds? Probably, but I need some spice in my life.

Current Weight: 128. YES. I am admitting my weight on the internet. Goal weight: 118. 10 pounds. Shouldn't be hard, right? Even though they say the last 10 pounds are the hardest to lose..wish me luck. And yes I realize that it's weird that my goal weight is 118 instead of 115 or 120. I don't like round numbers…they're more daunting.

Here's an article on Vanessa's workout with Tracy and Gwyneth in W magazine..

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