Thanksgiving Countdown: T-Minus 2 Days!

Roasted carrots 1

Here's another easy-peasy recipe for Thanksgiving! Can you tell I like roasting vegetables? Enter roasted carrots and parsnips with garlic horseradish butter. Yes, your breath will stink a bit, but that's why this holiday is spent with loved ones who don't judge. You can also omit the horseradish if you're not a fan and just use garlic butter. Mmm garlic butter…


Bunch carrots

2 parsnips

2 tbsps butter

1-2 cloves of garlic (depending on how garlicky you like it)

1 tbsp horseradish sauce (I used Boars Head brand – you can find this practically anywhere)



Preheat oven to 400 F

1. Slice carrots and parsnips into wedges/sticks about 1 inch in thickness. If they're not all the same size don't worry, but aim for that.

2. Mix 1 tbsp of the butter, garlic and horseradish in a small bowl.

3. Toss vegetables on a sheet pan with the butter/garlic/horseradish mixture and pop in the oven for 30 mins or so until fork tender.

4. Remove from oven and toss with remaining tbsp of butter. Serve hot or warm.

Parsnips 1
garlic buttery goodness


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