If your monetary supply has been completely tapped out lately, this bit of info may be of interest to you. From all the holiday festivites and loathesome shopping, I know mine has taken a serious hit; and now to top it all off, quarterly tax payments are due soon on the 15th. Awesome. To help take some of the strain off your brain and wallet, Marfa is the place you want to be for their "BBQ Tax Relief" specials - just when you thought you couldn't combine food with finance. Marfa is serving up some great deals every Sunday – Wednesday. I am totally down for some Cross the Border Tuesdays and West Texas Trash Wednesdays; if you check out my review for Marfa, you'll see why. I still dream about those fish tacos. See below for menu details.
Big Bend Platters for Two (including a shot of tequila each), $11.00 pp
El Cheapo and Border Platters 1/2 off, for two
$4 shots of tequila
All You Can Eat Mondays
Unlimited Wings (
Served with Baked Beans and Slaw. No sharing, please!
$3 Bud or Bud Lites
Cross the Border on Tuesdays
Choose from Guacamole, Vegetable Quesadilla, Fish Taco, Vegetarian Chili, Beef Chile or Pork Tostada
$3 Tecates, $4 Coronas, $4 Margaritas, $4 shots of tequila
West Texas Trash Wednesdays