What’s Your Favorite Superbowl Party Food?

Whether or not you like football is basically irrelevant when it comes to the Superbowl. I think it's yet another excuse for people to get together, eat and drink. Oh and yell things at the TV. This year I decided to host a little Superbowl Party, and I'm compiling my list of munchies. I like basically EVERYTHING, so I'm trying to narrow it down and I was curious as to what your favorite food is, dear reader. Leave a comment or shoot me an email! 


Lets go (insert NFL team here)! 



  1. “I not ever concern about activity, but only about inaction”

  2. Yes,I think so,too.

  3. like the posting! nothing says cheese like football

  4. I like guacamole, nachos or sliders. All finger foods are good!

  5. I love to eat Cheese during the superbowl . nothing says cheese like football

  6. WINGS! Love hot wings.

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