Baked By Melissa’s Birthday Cupcake

Baked by melissa bday cupcake
Well well. Happy Birthday to ME. I don't know who told the fine folks at Baked By Melissa, but April just happens to be my birthday month, and they are helping me celebrate with their Birthday Cupcake, which just so happens to be the Mini of the Month. I feel special. Or it's just a random coincidence.

For those of you who don't know about Baked By Melissa, they have a few locations around the city that serve up teeny tiny cupcakes. Literally not much bigger than a quarter. They're so good and so fun though – they are stuffed with almost any filling you can imagine; peanut butter frosting, icing, fluff, jam, cookie dough, etc. I think the danger lies in that you can easily pop 5 of them in your mouth within a span of 2 minutes and not feel bad about it.

The Birthday Cupcake is made of confetti cake, chocolate pudding stuffing, vanilla icing and bits of funfetti on top. I feel like a kid again! If I don't get at least ONE for my bday I will just have to throw a tantrum and cry. Really bring it full circle.

You can pick up one of these tiny treats all throughout the month of April at any one of their locations. Click here for more info or to place an order online.



  1. Remember the best love is to love others unconditionally rather than make demands on them.

  2. Our subconscious then implements these pattern into our daily lives either leading to a positive or negative change.

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