Last weekend I decided to spend a day being a cultured New Yorker: I visited the 2nd avenue street fair on the UES, then walked up to the Met to take in the Alexander McQueen exhibit, Savage Beauty. I went to FIT, so you would think it would move me to tears as it did for some, but I was more moved by the masterpieces OUTSIDE of the Met, aka the homemade pretzels from Sigmund's Pretzel Cart.
I really love pretzels, but Sigmund's are like a hybrid of traditional German pretzels and a Pillsbury biscuit; flaky, buttery, and NOT chewy. It's not normal, but it's special. I saw a cheese-flecked pretzel sitting in the cart, and upon further review discovered it was "truffle-cheddar". I'm not sure who came up with that one, but bravo, Sigmund's. I paid the lady $3 for this savory treat, tore it into little pieces, popped the pepper-speckled bits into my mouth and headed back to Brooklyn…
The next day I walked over the Williamsburg Bridge to burn this off..
All good things are cheap, all bad things are very dear.(H. D. Thoreau)