I think “sleep” falls under the same health/wellness category, so let’s run with that.
It dawned on me recently just how many things I use at night to help me sleep. In my 20’s it started with a sleep mask, which was essential to sleeping those hangovers off well into the afternoon, but now I use it just to help me sleep past 6 am.
After the sleeping mask, I discovered lavender essential oils. I rub a little bit on the bottoms of my feet and it helps relax me. Plus, the smell is divine. I use doTerra, which you can check out here: doTerra
And speaking of things that smell divine, I stumbled across ThisWorks Deep Sleep Pillow Spray, which is a soothing blend of lavender, vetivert and chamomile. I mist a couple sprays over my pillow at night. Link here on my Amazon shop.
My other night time obsession is the Laneige Lip Mask. It’s like extra thick lip balm that you leave on overnight and it softens your lips like no other. I use Chapstick during the day less and less now since I started using it. Link here on my Amazon shop.
Oh don’t worry. We’re just getting started. Here comes the good shit.
The Boob Pillow. Ok it’s not called that but that’s essentially what it is. It’s La Decollette’s Night Bra – which is basically a “pillow” for your breasts. You can’t make this shit up. If you have large chesticles and are getting older, you probably have noticed those fun cleavage wrinkles you get from sleeping on your side. This pillow keeps your boobies separated so they don’t wrinkle! It’s genius. The clasp in the back is hard to get the first few times, so you can easily just put it over your head. And yes, it’s comfortable – looks weird, but it’s comfortable. I actually have gotten so used to it I find it more uncomfortable now sleeping without it. Link here on my Amazon shop.
One really thick sock. I have a skin graft on my right leg from a bad car accident many years ago, and I wear this sock to prevent unintentional kicks from Chris in the night time. He likes to snuggle and occasionally one of those big toes just gets too excited and scratches my skin graft, which feels like a thousand little pins and needles running up my leg.
Night Guard. Evidently I grind my teeth when I sleep, and it’s so loud it actually wakes up Chris (meanwhile I have no idea I’m doing it). My Dad is my dentist, and he told me if I don’t wear a night guard I might grind my teeth right out of my skull. Just kidding, he didn’t say that, but it IS very bad for your teeth and can contribute to headaches. And as a migraine-sufferer, I can tell you that I don’t get them as frequently anymore since I’ve started using a night guard. Ask your dentist or go see my Dad if you’re in NYC! Dr. Charles Pollak, DDS.
ChiliPad by Sleepme. Not pictured here, but I’ve posted about it before on my Instagram because I’m obsessed. It’s like an AC unit for a cooling mattress pad. You fill the little cube with water, and it cools/heats to your liking. I sweat like a maniac when I’m sleeping, so I only use the cooling function, but since I started using the ChiliPad, I NEVER break a sweat anymore. It’s actually so amazing that I wish they made a travel version of it so if and when that’s allowed again, I could sleep comfortably anywhere I go. Also, if you happen to get sick, putting the heating function on is super helpful when you need to sweat out a fever. Check them out here: ChiliPad Sleep System.
More to come, but happy sleeping everyone! And if you have any sleeping suggestions, let’s hear em! Drop a comment below (or on my IG).