Food and Drink

Food and Drink

Taking It Too Far? Enter Bakon Vodka

I cant decide how I feel about the food and beverage industry lately. They are either exceptionally brilliant or exceptionally bored. Case and point: bacon flavored vodka. I really thought we were done with the whole bacon-is-better mentality (and I am usually bacon's biggest supporter), but I just dont get this. I […]

Food and Drink

What IS this GM Diet??

I know there hasn't been much going on here lately, and for that I apologize, but occasionally something so ridiculous comes along that I feel I have to address it. It's called the GM Diet, and if you're anything like me, your mind will go straight to cars. And you would be correct […]

Food and Drink

99 Miles to Philly Open in Midtown

So the other day I'm walking down 52nd street and I notice that my reliable greasy burger joint "ZipBurger" has been shut down and replaced with "99 Miles to Philly," a cheesesteak chain from downtown. Needless to say, I was both sad and elated at the same time. I have always thought […]