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Food and Drink

Taking It Too Far? Enter Bakon Vodka

I cant decide how I feel about the food and beverage industry lately. They are either exceptionally brilliant or exceptionally bored. Case and point: bacon flavored vodka. I really thought we were done with the whole bacon-is-better mentality (and I am usually bacon's biggest supporter), but I just dont get this. I […]

Food and Drink

What IS this GM Diet??

I know there hasn't been much going on here lately, and for that I apologize, but occasionally something so ridiculous comes along that I feel I have to address it. It's called the GM Diet, and if you're anything like me, your mind will go straight to cars. And you would be correct […]

Foodie Fun

Ode To Peanut Butter

It's a gloomy day here at work…so to brighten the mood I have written a silly (and incredibly corny) little poem about one of my favorite foods…enjoy!! Ode To Peanut Butter Smooth and creamy And oh so right You satisfy cravings With your nutty bite You mate with jelly And mambo […]