It's true! It's true! During my weekly visit to Pinkberry over the weekend, I noticed that their toppings station looked much more diverse. Is that Cinnamon Toast Crunch? And white chocolate shavings? And brownie cake crumbles?! First they give us Chocolate Pinkberry, now they give us a plethora of toppings including low fat cinnamon-apple granola, coconut shavings, mixed nuts, yogurt chips, and peppermint shavings. AND get this: there's no limit to the amount of toppings anymore! According to the friendly Pinkberry staffer, it's "as many as you can fit in the cup." Is that a challenge..?
So many toppings, so little time. What will the Pinkberry fairy bestow upon us next?? More locations? Hopefully! While I was there with my new mix (original/pomegranate swirl with bananas, cinnamon-apple granola and brownie crumbles), I was asked to fill out a survey because Pinkberry is considering opening up more locations. I hope they bring one right by where I work..there is a serious lack of Pinkberry in that area. I dropped a subtle hint about that on the survey. When asked to provide my work address, I wrote down next to it: "You NEED TO open a Pinkberry here!" Hopefully, they take the hint. Oh and FYI, the brownie crumbles were magical.
I wonder if I could have fit one more topping…
God helps those who help themselves..
You totally could have fit another topping.
While there have been Pinkberry(pinkeberries?) in NYC for a while, I FIRST tried it when I was out in LA. LOVE IT!!
Every once and a while I’ll get a craving and NOTHING else will do. If they’d open up half as many locations as Starbucks would I’d GREATLY appreciate it.
Also- Love the new chocolate, but I am still a major fan of the original.