For those of you who have been following me for a while, you know that I had an awful breakup a few years ago that I wrote about in 2021, which you can read right here. It resonated with a lot of people and continues to reach new people, to […]
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My Picks for Amazon Prime Day!
It’s here! One of my favorite times of the year! Am I the only one who is happy about the fact that there are multiple “Prime Days” now? I feel like it used to be once per year and now there seems to be one every quarter? I’ll allow it. […]
My Picks for Amazon Prime Day!!
I think I’m at the point where Prime Day has become one of my favorite holidays. I’m a sucker for fast shipping, what can I say? Anyway, I have gone on a bit of an Amazon spending spree this year, so I’ve garnered quite the list for you! With things […]
5 Unique NYC Summer Activities
It’s hot AF in the city. I don’t like it. The beaches, pools, and museums are crowded as well. Not to mention if you’re a city-dweller like myself, getting to a beach can be a bit of a trek. It’s just literally an entire day of sweating. That said, life […]
‘The Bear’ Season 3 is Like a Situationship
One of the things I’ve learned about TV over the years is the same thing I’ve learned about relationships…a lot of times, we expect too much. And by too much, I mean the bare minimum (or in this case, THE BEAR MINIMUM LOL I’ll see myself out). The entire third […]
Where To Eat in Naxos, Greece (2023)
I’ve been to Naxos twice now and I can safely say that it’s one of my favorite places on earth (at least, for the parts of the earth that I’ve been to), and it’s definitely my favorite place in Greece so far as well. If you’ve been to Greece at […]
My Thoughts On Turning 40 With No Kids, and More!
I am not, nor have I ever been, a “birthday person.” I don’t go crazy celebrating them, and I don’t think THAT deeply about them. UNTIL NOW. I’m just going to come right out and say it: 40 is messing with me a little. *gasp* AND I went on a […]
My FreshDirect Essentials (Grocery List)!
Earlier this year, I asked a bunch of you (on Instagram) what you wanted to see from me from a content POV, and a good chunk of you said “more everyday meals.” It was so funny to me, because when I started this blog and my Instagram page, it was […]
Where to Eat Brunch Near: Penn Station
I find this to be one of the harder questions I get in life: Where do I eat brunch near Penn Station? I don’t know exactly why that area is the food sinkhole that it is, but it’s getting better. Check out my other list here for regular lunch/dinner and […]
The Viral Jennifer Aniston Salad!
I have always loved Jennifer Aniston and now I love her even more for gifting us with this salad. This recipe is nothing new to the internet (see: viral), but I started making this on the REG last year. I made a few changes to it and thought I’d share, […]